Cloister of Cadouin
A masterpiece of flamboyant Gothic art, PM de l'Unesco
Welcome to the Cadouin cloister
This cloister, listed as a Historic Monument and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a masterpiece of flamboyant Gothic art. During this walk, admire the architectural richness and splendid decor that make this place universal, unchanging and serene. To feel the full emotion of the place, choose the night tour in summer.
Recommended for children: the "Marmouset" tour and casting workshop for a discovery experience that's as instructive as it is fun!
The history of the abbey and cloister
The Flamboyant Gothic cloister dates from the late 15th century. After undergoing a major campagne restoration of the sculptures, come and discover the wealth of ornamentation in the galleries. le Cadouin cloister is today a place where the serenity inherited from its former monastic activity still reigns.
Founded in 1115, the abbey church, sacristy and the Romanesque base of the convent buildings survive from this period. In 1119, the young abbey of Cadouin became a Cistercian abbey, following in the footsteps of the abbey of Pontigny, itself one of the four daughters of Citeaux. The eleventh abbey to join the order, it will henceforth follow its rule. The flamboyant Gothic cloister dates from the late 15th century. Cadouin's monastic activity came to a halt during the French Revolution in 1790, and visitors to the cloister will have plenty of time to watch the sun stencil arabesques of light on the floor of the galleries. Nearly ten centuries of history float here, making Cadouin a universal, unchanging and serene place, the setting for numerous films and TV movies.
Visits are free and can be accompanied by an audioguide. Guided tours are available at certain times. A twin ticket with Château de Biron is available.
Visit the cloister with videoguide:
Discover our visioguide available in 5 languages (FR, EN, DE, NL, ES) with a version in French Sign Language and an iADV version for the blind and visually impaired. iPods Touch are available to rent on site or to download.
Stay independent during your visit with this latest-generation audioguide. It contains audio content, photos, quizzes, panoramas... It's very easy to use and intuitive. Accessible to the whole family, the audioguide's rich content will give you a full understanding of the site's history.
Snack Saturdays in Cadouin
A short lecture on a given theme, different each month, to discover or rediscover a part of the cloister or abbey. Among the Cistercians, the collation was the reading-debate for which the community gathered in the afternoon. Its name comes from one of Jean Cassien's books: Collationes (meaning Conferences).
Pricing details
Rates Cloître de Cadouin - 2025
Adults (13+) €7.90
Children (aged 5 to 12): €5
Children (under 5): free
Combined ticket Cloître de Cadouin / Château de Biron
Adult (13+): €13.60
Children (aged 5 to 12): €8.60
Children (under 5): free
Dates and times
Cloître de Cadouin opening hours - 2025
From 07/02
to 04/04
Open from
10:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 17:00
From 05/04
to 04/07
Open from
10:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00
From 05/07
to 25/07
Open from
10:00 - 19:00
From 26/07
to 22/08
Open from
10:00 - 19:00
From 23/08
to 02/11
Open from
10:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00
From 03/11
to 04/01
Open from
10:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 17:00